A HAMPSHIRE accountant has announced he will be celebrating his 25th consecutive year of sporting challenges for charities around Hampshire.

Bruce Elkins, from Totton, is hoping to raise a total of £250,000 by the end of the year.

He took on his first challenge – Totton Triathlon – in 1991 following the death of his mother from cancer.

The aim this year is to raise £25,000 for the 25 years of fundraising, which would bring the total up to £250,000.

This year will see Bruce swimming 25 miles, running 250 miles and cycling 2,500 miles over a year of events.

This adds to several of his previous sporting challenges, including a mammoth route in 2014 that saw Bruce and 20 others cross France on their bikes from Ouistreham in the north to Port de Sete in the south, covering more than 800 miles in seven days.

He successfully raised more than £4,000 for Southamptonbased charity Rose Road Association.

Bruce said: “I have always believed in giving back as much as I have taken from life, as you don’t know what is around the corner.

“The aim is to raise £25,000 this year to celebrate the 25 years, so that I can reach a total of £250,000 overall.

“It will then be time to take a rest.”